International cooperation

Faculty of Food Technology Osijek focused its activities on the development of international relations with partner institutions in Europe and worldwide, encouraging the mobility of students, teachers, non-teaching staff and participation in international projects and programs in the field of higher education.

International cooperation of Faculty of Food Technology Osijek is realized through:

  • bilateral international agreements,
  • international university networks,
  • international scientific and professional research projects

Interconnecting universities is a precondition for effective and quality education of staff, which is why the Faculty, through international cooperation, wants to increase the participation of our teachers and students, as well as non-teaching staff in international exchange and mobility programs with European universities.

Recognizing the importance of international cooperation, the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek is involved in Erasmus+, Ceepus and other mobility networks and has several signed cooperation agreements with colleges and universities abroad.

In order to increase the international recognition of the Faculty, significant efforts are being made to increase cooperation with academic partners in Croatia and abroad and to ensure continuous monitoring and growth of the quality and international competitiveness of teaching, scientific and professional work.




Obavijest kandidatima

Obavijest kandidatima

Natječaj za izbor

Natječaj za izbor

Sajam mogućnosti i 28. Smotra Sveučilišta

Sajam mogućnosti i 28. Smotra Sveučilišta