International Competition in “Valorizing Food Biodiversity in Your Country”. Conference Invitation.

Dear colleagues,


Teams of Master’s students from around the world will present their projects at the FINAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE of this 2020 Edition of the ISEKI-Food International Student Competition Game on the topic:


How can food biodiversity in your country be valorized?


Plan to attend this exciting showcase of young talent on THURSDAY 18 FEBRUARY from 13H – 16H CET.


Registration is free and open to the public, but spaces are limited so register now by following this link.


The competition opened in October 2020 and 8 teams have attended action-learning online trainings and prepared projects addressing a specific challenge in food biodiversity. At the Final Virtual Conference, teams will give 15-minute presentations including answering audience questions and the winners will be announced. Among the prizes for the winning team are a guaranteed presentation at an international conference to present the winning project!


This competition is the 3rd "Sustainable Supply Chain" competition of the ISEKI-Food Association, through its affiliate European FooD-STA and under the umbrella of the FoodFactory-4-Us competitions. Read more about this and previous competitions here. The competition series is one of the case studies of the NextFOOD project which promotes innovative education for sustainable agriculture.


ISEKI-Food Association