Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport which runs for seven years, from 2014 to 2020. Erasmus+ aims to modernise education, training and youth work across Europe. It is open to education, training, youth and sport organisations across all sectors of lifelong learning, including higher education, adult education and the youth sector.
The Erasmus+ programme runs across all EU Member States, European Free Trade Area/European Economic Area countries, and some candidate countries. These are known as Programme Countries. Other countries, known as Partner Countries, can also participate but to a limited extent.
Erasmus+ in higher education aims to modernise and improve education across Europe.
Within the Erasmus programme the international exchange of students and (non) teaching staff is realized.
All activities within the ERASMUS in higher education are coordinated on the University level and more details can be found on the web page of the International relations office of the University of Osijek.
Contact person at the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek
prof. dr. sc. Daniela Čačić Kenjerić
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+385 (0)31 224 332
Administrative coordinator at the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek
Maja Pašuld, mag. oec.
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+385 (0)31 224 316
Undergraduate (Bachelor) Level
94745 - W - Biology - 6.5 ECTS
85415 - S - Ecology - 3 ECTS
88262 - S - Water Technology and Wastewater Treatment - 4 ECTS
85355 - S - Basics of Biotechnology - 3 ECTS
135767 - S - Food Toxicology - 3 ECTS
94748 - W/S - English Language I - 1 ECTS
88257 - W/S - English Language II - 1 ECTS
94749 - W/S - German Language I - 1 ECTS
88258 - W/S - German Language II - 1 ECTS
177794 - S - English Language - 2 ECTS
177796 - S - German Language - 2 ECTS
Study Programme: Food Engineering
43755 - W - Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Preservation - 7 ECTS
66933 - W - Food Process Equipment Design - 5 ECTS
43749 - S - Technological Design - 5 ECTS
Study Programme: Food Science and Nutrition
43750 - W - New Food Products Development - 4 ECTS
62326 - W- Dietary Assessment and Nutritional Epidemiology - 5 ECTS
62325 - W - Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle - 5 ECTS
143778 - S - Nutrition and Sport - 5 ECTS
62327 - W - Diet Therapy - 5 ECTS
43774 - W - Physiology of Digestion - 4 ECTS
79485 - W - Instrumental Methods of Analysis I - 4.5 ECTS
88274 - Spices and Herbs - 5 ECTS
Study Programme: Process Engineering
62347 - W - Wastewater Treatment - 6 ECTS
62341 - W - Bioprocesses in Environmental Protection - 6 ECTS
62368 - S - Process Equipment Design - 7 ECTS