Start-up for students

A start-up company is created with the intention of developing some idea into a lucrative business.

It is defined as "a newly established company with global ambitions and global potential". It is essential for a start-up company to have an idea (or several ideas) that can be developed
into a product or prototype that is competitive and innovative in the market.

At the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, students have the opportunity to get help in developing their innovative ideas.

If students have an idea for a new product, for improvement of a production process, for a prototype of product or process, for processes with more efficient use of energy resources, etc., they can get help in developing such ideas at the Faulty of Food Technology. The Faculty will help within its capabilities and resources.

You can apply by filling in the Form and e-mailing it to the contact
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Obavijest kandidatima

Obavijest kandidatima

Natječaj za izbor

Natječaj za izbor

Sajam mogućnosti i 28. Smotra Sveučilišta

Sajam mogućnosti i 28. Smotra Sveučilišta