Quality Assurance

General information about quality assurance and monitoring in higher education

The Law on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education regulates the area of quality assurance and improvement in science and higher education. It also regulates the ways of conducting external audit, (re) accreditation, thematic evaluation and more. The quality assurance system at the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek covers its entire activity and organizational structure, with the aim of improving the quality - in all aspects, from application and enrolment, teaching process, examinations, assessment and diploma exam, to employment and lifelong training.

Ensuring and improving the quality of higher education is a continuous and ongoing process. The Quality Assurance and Improvement System at the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek is based on the European Standards and Guidelines in Higher Education Area (ESG). The organization of the system, the procedures implemented and the quality indicators monitored and analysed are regulated by the Ordinance on Quality Assurance Organization in Higher Education at the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, the Quality Assurance Manual, and the Development Strategy of the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek for the period 2022./2023. – 2026./2027.

Vice-Dean for Quality Management, the Committee for Quality Monitoring and Assurance in Higher Education (Committee) and Quality Improvement Office (Office) operate at the Faculty of Food Technology of Osijek. The Vice-Dean for Quality Management, the Committee and the Office cooperate with each other and also with the Quality Assurance Center of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and the Committee for Quality Assurance of Higher Education at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.

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