Sub-department of Food Quality

Employees of the Sub-department of Food Quality participate in lecturing at one course of Undergraduate study Food Technology, four courses at Graduate study Food Science and Nutrition and two courses at Graduate study Food Engineering, and several courses at two Postgraduate specialist studies and one Postgraduate doctoral study. Employees of Sub-department of Food Quality are also lecturing at Postgraduate specialist study at Faculty of Agrobiotehnical Sciences Osijek.

Within the courses of the Sub-department, students acquire the knowledge necessary for food quality and safety management, performance of various types of food analyses and laboratory management as well as research in this area. The lectures cover the relevant regulations and standards in the field of food quality and safety, the principles and applications of the methods for the food composition analysis as well as assuring the quality of measurements and especially the principles and applications of chromatographic and sensory methods for food analyses.

Scientific research at the Sub-department of Food Quality refer to the various aspects of food quality and safety using instrumental and sensory methods. Topics are honey characterization with the aim of botanical and geographical origin determination, quality of royal jelly, bee pollen and bee venom, methods of sensory analyses and acceptability of different product formulations.

Blanka Bilić Rajs, PhD, Associate Professor

Undergraduate study

  • Food quality control

Graduate study

  • Instrumental analysis  I
  • Sensory analysis
  • Food quality and safety management 
  • Laboratory quality management 

Postgraduate study

  • Food safety and quality management
  • Sensory analysis
  • Food quality and safety management
  • Application of sensory analysis in the  food industry
  • Selected topics in food analysis
  • Sensory and physicochemical properties of traditional meat products
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