Public Promotion Committee of the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek

Pursuant to Article 22 of the Statute of the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek - consolidated text, the Dean of the Faculty at the October 19, 2021 made the decision about appointments to the new Public Promotion Committee:

The previous Committee was active prior to the current committee:

Pursuant to Article 22 of the Statute of the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek - consolidated text, the Dean of the Faculty at the November 3, 2017 made the decision about appointments to the current Public Promotion Committee:

The previous Committee was active prior to the current committee:

Pursuant to Article 22 of the Statute of the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, the Dean of the Faculty at the November 21, 2012 made the decision about appointments to the Public Promotion Committee at the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek:

The task of the Committee is the promotion of the Faculty and study programmes through participation and organisation of various events, such as:

  • Student fair of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek,
  • Science Festival,
  • Open door,
  • Childrens week and
  • other events of a similar nature.

Osijek, December 13 and 14, 2018, FAZOS, 22th Student fair, participation

Osijek, December 8 and 9, 2017, PFOS, 21st Student fair, participation of

Osijek, December 9 and 10, 2016, GFOS, 20th Student fair, participation of

Osijek, December 4 and 5, 2015, EFOS, 19th Student fair, participation of

Osijek, December 12 and 13, 2014, EFOS, 18th Student fair, participation

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